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mai 21, 2017 |
Expositions,  |

Exposition à la Galerie Alice Mogabgab à Beyrouth

From Icarus to Twitter : Contemporary Allegories
du 30 mai au 30 juin 2017

From Icarus to Twitter: Contemporary Allegories is an exhibition of paintings, sculptures and photographs by Alice Mogabgab Gallery’s artists. Daniel Chompré, Pascal Courcelles, Nancy Debs Haddad, Fadia Haddad, Andrée Hochar Fattal, Li Wei, Ludwika Ogorzelec, Emma Rodgers, Takayoshi Sakabe and Jean-Bernard Susperregui unfold their artist-bird wings to offer their thoughts on freedom. In a country where men and birds are easy prey to a corrupt and killer power, these artists defy the agony, exalt the joy of creating and sing hymns to liberty.